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HONG KONG - 320€ / Return flights

"The Pearl of the Orient" might not be on your bucket list just yet, but it definitely should be—it did not get its nickname without a reason. Due to its history, Hong Kong is way different from mainland China because of its Western influences once it was a British colony.

Discover Hong Kong in May 2021, 320€ for return flights!

Many Chinese signs in a street in Hong Kong.

🕵️‍♂️🖐 Sherlock's five reasons why you should visit Hong Kong:

✩ Multicultural hotspot

✩ Exquisite cuisine

✩ Hiking trails nearby the city

✩ Shopping mecca

✩ Gorgeous street art


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FREE Covid-19 travel advice included in all travel packages.


✈️ Flights:

Departure: 6th of May 2021

Return: 24th of May 2021

Departure airport: Amsterdam

Cheap flight tickets from Amsterdam to Hong Kong,

Do your own research regarding travel measures specific to your country!

At your service,

Sherlock Planes signature.


cheaper than ever


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