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FREE Covid-19 travel advice with all travel packages!

Is it green, orange or red? 🟢🟠🔴

I know, it is so damn confusing. Thousands of sources with the one saying that Spain is green and the other saying yellow.

Every day, color codes are changing and this uncertainty takes the essence of traveling away: "to relax".

A world globe getting attacked by covid-19 pins.

I will help you with that! 🕵🏼‍♂️

With every travel package of Sherlock, I will give you FREE Covid-19 travel advice.

Not only will I search for cheap travel deals which are in green zones, I will also share with you the current measures at your destination.

You will know exactly what to expect and travel carefree!


Travel more for less money! 💛🌍

Dots connecting a drawn world map.

At your service,

Sherlock Planes signature.


cheaper than ever


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